0.8.0 (06/05/2013) -- BETA 1. Initial Release 0.8.1 (06/06/2013) -- BETA 1. Changed: Improved error handling and logging system. 2. Fixed: --profile command line option wasn't working. 3. Fixed: Profile loading system wasn't properly parsing certain profile filename extensions (such as MP4-IPOD). 4. Changed: Improved Profile Loading and parsing systems. 5. Changed: Improved Options saving system. 6. Fixed: Removed temporary Log window. 0.8.2 (06/22/2013) -- BETA 1. Fixed: Run Ingester checkbox wasn't working. 2. Changed: VideoReDo Processing uses a new modular wrapper system (will allow future AdScanning and other capabilities). 3. Changed: MC Ingester processing is now fully integrated (no longer requires launching external MCFileIngester.exe application). 4. Changed: Command Line options now include relevant commands from MCFileIngester directly (--type, --stackclone, etc). 0.8.3 (06/24/2013) -- BETA 1. Fixed: Logger properly unregisters itself even at the very outset in the case of an error (preventing infinite loops) 2. Fixed: Help Button now opens the relevant documentation post from the MCAutoQueue Interact Thread (until I finish building my own page) 3. Fixed: User settings now persist even when new builds are installed. 0.8.4 (6/27/2013) -- BETA 1. Fixed: Actually incremented the minor version number this time. 2. Fixed: Profile combobox uses the proper style to denote that it is read-only. 3. NEW: QSF First Mode. This automatically runs a QuickStreamFix pass on the source file before then processing it normally. This will sometimes help to fix broken source files which will not otherwise encode properly in VideoReDo, but it adds processing time. 4. NEW: AdScan Mode. This runs a VideoReDo AdScan on the Source file, then saves out a VPrj file which it imports into MC (and clones/stacks it with the source file). You can then manually check the VPrj file in VideoReDo and verify the detected ads, and then run it through MCVideoRedoer again to finish processing to the final output file and have the ads removed. 5. NEW: AutoProfile Mode. There is now a special "Automatic" Profile you can choose which determines which "real" Profile to use based on the encoding of the source file. It chooses Program Stream (.mpg) for MPEG2 content, and either MP4 or MKV for H.264 content. 6. Fixed: Logging was mostly broken in the last two builds (it didn't log output from the VideoReDo wrapper or the MC wrappers correctly). 7. NEW: Advanced Settings dialog allows you to set a temporary storage location (defaults to the normal Windows Temp directory), and other options related to AdScan and AutoProfile modes. 8. Changed: More robust file checking and processing logic. 9. NEW: Imports VPrj files created by AdScan mode into Media Center, clones them with the original source file, so that you can easily queue them up for review. If you re-process the VPrj files through MCVideoRedoer, it will process them normally and "finish" them. 0.8.5 (7/5/2013) -- BETA 1. NEW: VideoReDo Output process can now be cancelled while in progress. 2. Changed: Log file now saved in the current user's AppData directory. 0.9.0 (07/31/2013) -- BETA 1. Changed: Uses modular Global Options system. Shares code and controls with other applications for more unified usage model. 2. Changed: Minor improvements to the Logging system. 3. Fixed: AdScan and QSF First modes are more robust. 4. Fixed: The default exit mode for the application is Cancelled (Exit Code 1), rather than Normal (Exit Code 0). 5. Fixed: AdScan mode can be cancelled properly. 0.9.1 (08/04/2013) -- BETA 1. Fixed: Command Line Errors were not behing handled properly. 2. Changed: When program is closed while Processing is running, the warning dialog now has a timeout (which allows it to be automated, yet still closed nicely if it takes too long). 3. Changed: When processing is cancelled, the partial file is deleted from disk. 0.9.2 (01/30/2014) -- BETA 1. Fixed: QSF First Mode was not actually, you know, saving a QSFed file. 0.9.3 (02/08/2014) -- BETA 1. NEW: CopyMetadataUserExceptFields configuration setting allows the user to provide list of fields that are always skipped when copying metadata. 0.9.4 (02/09/2014) -- BETA 1. Changed: CopyMetadataUserExceptFields system replaced with IngesterExceptionFields.xml configuration file so that this setting is unified across different Ingesters. 2. Changed: Added additional fields to stock metadata clone exception list. 0.9.9 (05/26/2014) -- BETA 1. Changed: Updates to shared components.